What is PxDungeon?

PxDungeon is an on-chain 2D pixel RPG P2E game. You will be able to play as a customizable character slaying enemies in all types of Dungeons and environments. There will be 4 classes to play with: Knight, Paladin, Archer, and Mage.Experiment with different class types and playstyles and most importantly, enjoy yourself.

Meet characters


Meet the Knight class. He is the very essence of chivalry, honour, and courage. This class is for the aggressive and frontline Dungeoneers. You will be the main damage dealer while having the ability to hold your own in unexpected situations you find yourself in. You can either choose the heavy hitter or fast hitter.


Meet the Paladin class. Brawny yet swift. His eyes send chills down Ogre’s spines (if they even have one). You will be positioned in the most dangerous and daring situations on the front line, keeping all the enemies occupied and absorbing as much damage as possible from enemies. You can either choose the Tank route or the Brute route.


Meet the Archer class. Master the art of speed, agility and stealth. You will be positioned around the edges dealing ranged damage for your team. You can effectively use your skills to hinder the enemies of your frontline team members. You excel at dodging, and utilising your double jump. You are great at dealing great amounts of damage in short spans of time. You can either choose a support route or the DPS route.


Meet the Mage class. They have spent years mastering Magic and developing potions to aid their team in battle. This class is for the strategists and support players. You can either choose the healer route or the DPS route.


$PxCoins = 1 $PxCoins. There is no USD value to $PxCoin. We will not be providing or advertising liquidity pools. $PxCoins is be built on L2 Ethereum - Polygon. All transactions and purchases will be made on Polygon EXCEPT the initial mint. We want to ensure a smooth and gas-free process while purchasing and selling your items. All active players will receive 10MATIC per month for 3 months to cover their first few transactions.



Q: Your armour and weapons change your NFT rarity?

A: Yes, playing the game more increases your chances of earning better Loot such as higher-level armour or rare weapons. These will contribute to your characters overall value/rarity.

Q: Does it matter what armour and weapons you have?

A: Yes, each armour piece will have its own Stats, rarity, and value. Some can increase token yield, XP gain, and NFT worth.

Q: What platform will this game be playable on?

A: Google Chrome, make sure to have your MetaMask wallet extension added.

Q: Is the game mobile friendly?

A: Currently, we do not have a mobile port for PxDungeon, however, we will be looking into this in the future.

Q: Is there a reward system?

A: Yes. The reward system will be advanced, keeping you engaged and making it worthwhile. Players can earn rewards from defeating mobs, bosses, winning duels, quests, and leveling up. The higher and harder levels and quests you complete the greater the rewards. You can earn anything from $PxCoins, new characters, and in-game rewards.
